
RARE (old) EYES!

Hey guys! ♥
Did you ever wanted these old, cute eyes? Yes? Today I will teach you how to get them! :D And it's free! But you won't have them on your main account, you have to do new acc. So first step you have to do is open charles, and go on the MSP home-page. Turn on breakpoints and click play now.

When charles pops up, you click the only breakpoint that you see, execute it, and then find eyes, go to the 5 and change the number (it should be 44) to 1. Then press enter, and execute it again.

Now turn off breakpoints, and choose the eyes you see at the picture below.

wow my moviestar is such a tumblr girl Make your Movie Star look as beautiful as you want her to be! :) Then click OK, and name your Movie Star.

And that's how you do it! ;) I hope it was very helpful! :D
nickname: iloveyouall@
password: msp123

~ See ya in another note! :) //Yokacchi xo